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Although out of the over 2,000 species of spiders only a few are venomous and some are dangerous, making them the Dangerous and Deadliest Spiders in Australia. These larger species are more active in the warmer months, usually on the lookout for mates. The initial symptoms of a bite are painful, and associated swelling can be fatal without treatment due to the toxic effects of their venom. These spiders, usually found on objects like toilet seats or bin handles, can be deadly. Antivenom is available, though rapid medical intervention is vital to avoid harm or death. Always exercise caution and get treated immediately if bitten by a venomous spider to avoid serious complications. In this article, let’s get into the species and their traits and learn the myths and the truth behind this topic.

Most dangerous and deadliest spiders in Australia

8 most dangerous and deadliest spiders in Australia

Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

Australia’s Deadliest Arachnid is the Sydney funnel-web spider. It is among the world’s deadliest, with highly toxic venom and fangs long and thick enough to penetrate nails. Native to Sydney and New South Wales, it lurks humid burrows, shoes, clothing and bedding and occasionally makes its way into backyards or swimming pools. Threatened, it rises in threat posture, bringing its forelegs up to strike. Its venom works on the nervous system, leading to abdominal pain, trouble breathing and severe reactions in one in six bites. An anti-venom was developed in 1981 and since then there have been no deaths, although the male’s venom is particularly potent.

Redback Spider

The Redback spider is a common spider found in most Australian houses. Shiny black, with a red stripe down on its back, the organism is a little smaller than a 10c coin. “Since white settlement these have become more prevalent in buildings as they tend to hide in the darkest corners. As adults they stay in the same places. They are not generally inclined to bite, but they do bite if threatened, particularly when taking refuge in areas such as bin handles or under toilet seats, where they might be unintentionally disturbed by humans. Bites can spread slowly but cause inflammation, pain, sweating, and muscle spasms.

Redback spiders bite some 2,000 people a year, and while their bites can be fatal on rare occasions, they should always be treated with caution. Redback venom can lead to pain, headache and vomit, and it advised to seek medical advice if bitten. Anti-venom has existed since 1956, and is used in 250 cases each year. Also, cupboard spiders, which look like redbacks, would cause similar symptoms, but their venom is less potent, and redback venom can be used to treat their bites.

Mouse Spider

The mouse spider is a lumpy, black spider that resembles a funnel-web so closely it can be mistaken for one when it is scuttling along. But it has a shinier carapace and a bulbous head with strong jaws. Native to mainland Australia, these spiders dwell in burrows, typically near rivers and waterways, and even in some suburban areas. They happen to be active during the daytime, unlike other species in their family who opt for the night to avoid heat and daytime active predators.

Although their bite is associated with intense pain and vector poisoning, their venom is generally less toxic than that of a funnel-web. Nonetheless, they are poisonous, and some incidents of venom efefcts have been documented. While no deaths have been linked to them, their potency warrants caution. Research suggests funnel-web antivenom also works against mouse spider venom, so rapid treatment is essential. They are so wary that they are often reluctant to bite, which sometimes causes them to deliver a dry bite — inserting their fangs but not injecting venom. Still, because it is tough to tell the two apart, all bites should be treated with urgency. These spiders are not uncommon in urban areas along both the south and west coasts, and while they may seem intimidating, they are not as aggressive as they look.

Trapdoor Spiders

The appearance of trapdoor spiders often lead to a misconception of them as being funnel-web spiders. But these big, hairy, black spiders are not actually as dangerous as their deadly relatives. They get their name from their habit of constructing tube-shaped burrows with hatchways at the entrance to ambush prey that blunders into their trap. Their bites often yield localised anguish, swelling and, infrequently, nausea, lethargy or restlessness. If you happen to get bitten by one, you should always treat the bite with caution; early effects can look similar to those of a funnel-web spider bite.

The spider is one of the native Australian wildlife that live in both natural and urban environments across Australia. They range in length from 1.5 to 3cm with females being slightly larger than males, although male Dave is known to be more deadly with his fangs than a female when posed. Trapdoor spiders, an arachnid, have an unusually long lifespan anywhere from five to 20 years. Because they can be confused with the far more dangerous funnel-web spiders, it’s always best to confirm the species with an expert before treating the bite. If in doubt, call 000 for medical assistance.

White-Tailed Spiders

White-tailed spiders have been misunderstood often. These small, dark, elongated spiders with a characteristic white patch on their abdomen commonly occur throughout urban and natural areas across Australia. Most other myths are what they are: myths, as some say their bites will leave necrosis and rot their flesh to die. This myth has at last been dispelled by recent scientific studies, which have documented that their venom is responsible for only mild local pain and occasional irritation, with no major health risks for humans. White-tailed spiders are most active at night, when they go in search of other spiders to eat, and are known to hide in clothing folds. They can take shelter in a house after wet weather.

They’re more likely to be feared than killed, but they are not particularly dangerous. They are wandering instead of web-casting, eat more dangerous spiders such as Black House Spiders and Redbacks, and don’t make burrows. Their bite can cause some nausea, headaches or discomfort for a day or so but is rarely serious. If white-tailed spiders are potentially around, it’s a smart move to give your shirts a shake before pulling them on. They aren’t very dangerous, but should be handled carefully, as some irritation can last a week.

Australia’s Native Tarantulas

Australia has some very interesting native tarantulas. They are also called whistling or barking spiders, since some species can produce distinct sounds by quickly spinning the silky thread that connects its fangs to its prey or by rubbing their front limbs against their jaws, which some say is not unlike barking. Although they are known as bird-eating spiders, they rarely eat birds. Instead, they generally snack on insects, other spiders, lizards and frogs, and occasionally peck at baby birds. Four major genera of these spiders are present in the country, namely: Selenocosmia, Selenotholus, Selenotypus, and Phlogiellus. There are six formally described species but many more likely remain unknown.

Tarantulas are not fatal to humans, despite their fearsome looks (big hairy legs of up to 16 cm in legspan and a 6 cm body) Though their large fangs (1 cm long) can produce a painful bite, major reactions such as nausea, vomiting, and fever are uncommon. But these spiders can be lethal to pets, especially dogs, whose systems can be shut down by the venom. Females can live up to 12 years and males usually live five.

Black House Spiders

Black house spiders are pretty timid creatures and rarely bite. Although the bite can be painful and cause swelling around the bite site, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sweating and giddiness are rarely documented. Repeated bites can cause lesions in the skin. While these spiders are a little scary to run into, they’re not as threatening as a lot of folks fear.

Funnel-web spiders, on the other hand, are more visible since they create distinct webs that are curved and funnel-like. They’re usually the size of a 5c piece and one can be found in human houses, where they make their homes and hunting ground. They deliver bites that can cause swelling, nausea and sweating, but they are not generally regarded as dangerous, since these spiders tend to run away rather than attack. Size and web-making ability aside, they’re not aggressive toward humans.

Recluse Spider

The spider has been known in Australia for more than two decades now, but its range here has not expanded and not a single case has been recorded. For years, there have been false alarming emails stating this spider destroys human tissue, but the majority of this is a hoax, meant to scare the general public.

Although some people continue to believe the myths, it is not as dangerous in Australia as it is in South America, where it accounts for the majority of serious bites. Recluse fangs are small, and the spider will not bite unless provoked. Luckily, this spider’s venom here in Australia does not cause serious effects. Overall, the myth is much larger than the danger and the odds of finding yourself in such a situation are slim to none.

Common Australian spiders

Huntsman Spiders

Huntsman spiders are notorious in Australia for their giant, hairy and frightening appearance, with some having a leg-span of 15cm. They are actually not dangerous to humans even though they are really huge and black in color. While their bites are painful, the venom isn’t dangerous, and the effects are generally limited to some nausea and headaches. When approached they are more likely to run away than attack, which is why most of the time they do not bite unless confronted.

One of the more unusual risks from a Huntsman spider is that they have a habit of causing car crashes. Such an unexpected leap suddenly causes the terrified driver to stare blankly at the dashboard. But they actually help out with pest-control by munching on smaller insects such as flies and mosquitoes. “They’re big and hairy and sort of scary looking, but a lot of people choose to leave their Huntsman be, because they have that beautiful natural insect control talent. Some even humorously name these spiders in a way to recognise their unexpected allies in the household.

Australian Orb Spiders and Common Garden Orb Weavers

Orb weavel, which are large, brown or grey Australian Orb spiders, about the size of a 20c coin. They have stocky, heart-shaped abdomens and a propensity for building large webs, frequently constructing a new one each day. These webs are often seen in open areas of a garden strung between adjacent trees or shrubs. Sometimes, the web reaches across trails or walkways, and humans can stumble into the web — spider sitting in the middle; it can be agitating, especially if the web is at face-height.

Still, these spiders pose very little threat to humans despite this disconcerting habit. They’re not aggressive, and they’re reluctant biters, and even if they do bite, the results are typically mild: local pain or localized swelling, or maybe some discomfort and nausea. Common garden orb-weavers on the other hand are most prevalent in Australia and average 1.5cm to three-centimeters in size. They set up their webs in gardens between trees, hedges or washing lines, where insects can be ensnared as they fly into the sticky strands. By day they scuttle and curl up, typically with feet pulled up beneath them, camouflaged like a drop-down crevice hanging from a stitch on a leaf or the linen draped on a garland.

Daddy-Long-Legs Spider

One of the most common house spiders, the Daddy-Long-Legs spider builds his web high up near the roof or low under a piece of furniture. These spiders can be hard to spot because they have small bodies and thin legs. Their harmless reputation does not, however prevent there being myths around them. One of the myth says that they have the deadliest venom in the world, but it is just an old story and there is no evidence for it. In actuality, their venom poses no danger to you as a human, and these fangs are too small to cause any real harm.

These small spiders, ironically enough, are excellent at catching and consuming other spiders, even the unpleasantly nasty Redbacks. Despite popular belief, Daddy-Long-Legs can penetrate human skin using their fangs; however, the bite merely produces a temporary burning or stinging sensation. Daddy-Long-Legs are not aggressive and pose no threat to humans, even if they can bite. For the most part, they won’t get disturbed in your home until they become messy.

Wolf Spiders:

Another culprit could be the Wolf spider, which, due to its size and shape, can be mistaken for a Huntsman. In Australia, the Australian Wolf Spider is mostly found as it is a ground feeder and does not create webs — they are widely seen everywhere in the world. Rather, they prefer to chase down and dine on ants and larger creatures on the ground. They dig burrows to keep safe, resting and hiding inside. Hiding by day and actively hunting at night, the spiders’ intimidating appearance can be scary, but their venom is not a threat for humans.

The bite of a wolf spider can cause localised pain, itching and swelling, and may lead to dizziness or nausea. But these mild effects generally go away on their own, and medical attention is seldom required. Preventive measures can help avoid bites, particularly when working in places where these spiders are found.

Saint Andrew’s Cross Spiders

Saint Andrew’s Cross Spiders are among the most artistic of spiders, building large webs in open spaces, and stringing them between trees and bushes. Orb Weavers are easily distinguishable from them by the lace-like X shape they weave into their web’s centre. The spider itself usually sits directly in the centre, its eight legs fanned out in a cross pattern, creating the characteristic cross image that gives the species its name. Their impressive patterns reflect UV light, which lures insects into their elaborate traps.

Whilst the bite can cause annoyance and pain similar to that of a bee-sting, these spiders are reluctant to bite and pose no threat to people.

First Aid at Home for Spider Bites

The best thing you can do for you family is to equip yourself with first aid training that will help you cater such emergencies with confidence and without panic. Moreover, it can help you save a life of someone very dear to you. However, as a quick remedy solution, Give First Aid recommends following steps

· Don’t panic and remain calm.

· Clean the bite location with soap and water.

· Use a cold compress or an ice pack to lessen swelling and pain.

· Immobilise the affected limb to help slow the spread of venom.

· Do not try to suck out venom or cut the bite site.

· Track symptoms and consult a doctor if needed

Seek Emergency Medical Help

· If the person has trouble breathing or has chest pain.

· If symptoms get worse, despite home treatment.

· If bitten by a funnel-web, redback or mouse spider.

· The victim is a child, elderly person, or has allergies to spider venom.

· If you’re not sure, call 000 (Australia’s emergency number)—as you should for all medical concerns.

How to Prevent Spider Bites in Your Home

· Before using shoes, clothes and bedding, shake them out.

· Wear gloves while gardening or when handling firewood.

· Plug up cracks and take away clutter where spiders can hide.

· Do not leave any footwear or garments outside overnight.

· Maintain cleanliness in your home and use spider repellent if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions:-

Can a Spider Bite Cause Anaphaxlaxis?

Yes, though rare, a spider bite can lead to anaphylaxis. Some venomous spider bites can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals, such as those from the Redback Spider or the Sydney Funnel-Web Spider. Symptoms can include swelling of the face, difficulty breathing, racing heart and dizziness. The initial first aid steps are 000 (or emergency number), epipen if available, calm and flat and breathe. If symptoms get worse after 5 minutes, a second Epipen might be required. Even if the person feels better, medical care is crucial because anaphylaxis can come back hours later.

What are Australian Spiders? Are all of them poisonous? If so, which ones should you be cautious of?

Australian spiders take many forms, and while not all are poisonous, some can pose a risk. Some of them are the Sydney Funnel-Web which has no less potent venom, and the Redback Spider which causes intense pain. Mouse Spiders are also capable of delivering painful bites and the bites of White-Tailed Spiders generally cause mild irritation.

What Is The Rarest Spider On Earth?

Hickmania troglodytes is one of the rarest spiders in all of Australia. Legend says this species is only prehistoric animal to still be found only in caves in Tasmania. It features long legs, a big body, and can survive for many decades. Its isolated habitat and low numbers make it one of Australia’s most elusive spiders.

Which part of Australia would be best for someone scared of spiders to live?

Tasmania and Melbourne have lower temperatures and the humid environments, and urban settings, that spiders don’t like to call home, so they are less likely to bite you. Canberra and Adelaide are also suitable places, where fewer venomous species are found. It’s advisable to stay away from bushland and tropical regions, such as Northern Queensland and Western Australia, where spiders are more abundant.

How do you avoid running into spiders on trip to Australia?

If you want to avoid spiders on your trip to Australia, it helps if you stay in urban areas and hostels and similar accommodations, since those places get regularly cleaned and maintained. Spiders tend to be more active in rural or rain forest areas, so maybe avoid hiking trails etc to decrease chance of encounters. Always check your accommodation and shake out your clothes and shoes before putting them on

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